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Evolving an organisation’s most valuable strategic asset: Leadership

Why choose CMi Merryck?


We are the leading mentoring partner for Chairs, CEOs, CEO succession candidates, senior executives, board and executive leadership team development, accelerating performance and impact.


Our breadth and depth allow us to deliver a premier mentoring experience that is unrivalled in global expertise and practice.


What we do?


CMi Merryck is a leading global authority and partner for enhancing the business impact of CEO, board, senior executive and executive team leadership. Our mentoring expertise provides tailored one-to-one and executive team/board mentoring for leaders, by leaders.


Through personalised engagements, leaders benefit from the wisdom and experience of our proven, world-class mentors. We enable leaders to realise their potential and deliver better business outcomes for their organisation.

Our Approach

A word from our clients

I was supported by a Mentor during the Group CEO succession process as well as my first 18 months in the role. It was important for me to have a safe space to think about my development as a leader and have dedicated periods of self-reflection. My mentor ensured that I put myself in the shoes of other stakeholders, he was empathetic to my situation and provided an external perspective. We discussed a diverse range of issues, some that were personally complicated, and my mentor provided an excellent sounding board throughout our time working together. The mentoring supported me through some difficult decisions, how to communicate these effectively, and as a result accelerate changes in the organisation.

CEO Financial Services, FTSE100

“They say that history repeats, but throughout your career you are often faced with ‘firsts’. Having two very experienced mentors has been invaluable for me when navigating unknown terrain from significant unplanned management changes while undergoing a CEO selection process, and starting up as a CEO. The mentoring process has provided me with important perspectives and above all an inner calmness and clarity to do what I think is right.”

CEO Resources, ASX 50

“The quality of the mentoring conversations is unrivalled. The opportunity to exchange thoughts with people who have been there before is extremely valuable for me.”

CEO, European Clean Energy Sector

I am much more confident as a result of my time with my mentor but also more in control of the full breadth of my role. She is amazing. I leave every conversation with an insight or something to think about and action.

Group Executive Financial Services, ASX50

Take my word please that this has been high impact. My Mentor has been truly dedicated and fully accessible whenever I’ve needed to speak with her. She really helped me open up and got the balance right between listening, expressing views, supporting and challenging.

Partner, Global Professional Services firm