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Dr Anthony (Tony) Hayward

Tony Hayward has extensive global Board experience in the mining, oil and gas, financial services, energy, steel, and private-equity sectors.



Tony is Executive Chair of Sierracol, the largest independent oil producer in Colombia, a Non- Executive Director of Noga Holding, a company established by the Kingdom of Bahrain to manage its oil & gas assets, and the founder, Chair and CEO of Energy Transition Partners BV, a SPAC listed in Amsterdam.


Tony was Group Chief Executive of BP plc from 2007 to 2010, having joined the company in 1982 as a rig geologist in the North Sea. Following a series of roles overseas, he joined the Exploration and Production Executive Committee in 1997. He then became Group Treasurer in 2000 and Chief Executive for BP plc’s Exploration & Production Business and a member of the Main Board of BP plc in 2003.


In 2011, Tony founded Vallares plc, a $2.2bn acquisition company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Following the merger of Vallares plc and Genel Energy International, the largest oil producer in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, he became Chief Executive of Genel Energy plc in November 2011 and subsequently Chair in 2015. Tony was Chair of Glencore from 2013 to 2021.


Tony holds visiting professorships at Aston University and the University of Edinburgh, where he has helped establish Ocean Leaders, an executive leadership programme for professionals involved in managing and conserving the world’s oceans.