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Jean-Paul Agon

Jean-Paul Agon has 25 years of senior-leadership experience attained from working as Chair and CEO of CAC 40, DJ EURO STOXX 50, FTSE4Good, ASPI Eurozone and Ethibel Excellence Sustainability Index companies. Jean-Paul’s extensive career at L’Oréal has given him a unique multi-industry knowledge of beauty, consumer goods, energy, technologies and services for industry and health, making him truly invaluable.

Jean-Paul is Chair of L’Oréal (FR). He is a member of the European Round Table of Industry (ERT), Co-Chair of the France-China Committee, a Board member of the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) and Chair of the Society of Friends of the City of Paris Museum of Modern Art.


Jean-Paul has spent his entire career at L’Oréal, where he has successively led several of its brands, countries and geographical regions. For 5 years, he created and oversaw the Asia Pacific region, which was the group’s first foreign sales focus. He then led North America from 2001 to 2005.


In 2006, Jean-Paul was appointed CEO of L’Oréal and then Chair and CEO in 2011. He has been Chair of L’Oréal since May 2021.