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Acquiring leadership intelligence

CMi Merryck for Executives & Succession

Building the leaders of the future

As Senior Executives take on their first major ExCo or Board roles, the mentee’s focus is on successful transition from operator to leader. We partner each Senior Executive with experienced Mentors to develop them into effective enterprise-wide leaders.


We partner each senior executive with an experienced mentor to further their ability to transition from leading a business or function to leading at enterprise level. We help senior leaders rapidly expand their own perspectives, enabling greater strategic clarity, better decision-making and more impactful execution.


They gain a thorough understanding of what life at the top of a complex organisation in a sometimes highly regulated market feels like, under the spotlight of an increased number of stakeholders.

Spotlight on leadership development

During this programme, the mentee’s focus is on gaining a thorough understanding of what life and work feels like at the top of a complex, often highly regulated market, under the watchful eye of a vast number of stakeholders.

Inquire here

I am much more confident as a result of my time with my mentor but also more in control of the full breadth of my role. She is amazing. I leave every conversation with an insight or something to think about and action.

Group Executive Financial Services, ASX50